The Future of EMS in the Northshire

Come to our meeting at BBA Riley Center
January 31, 2022 at 7 pm

Open Meeting for All Northshire Citizens

The Northshire Rescue Squad will be hosting a meeting about the future of emergency medical services in the Northshire, and we would like you to attend.  The meeting is open to everyone and will be held on Monday, January 31st at 7 pm in the Riley Center Theater at Burr & Burton Academy.  If you are unable to attend in person, we will also be broadcasting the meeting via Zoom. We will send out a Zoom link before the meeting.

As you may know, at their January 11, 2022 meeting, the Manchester Selectboard presented a plan to replace the Rescue Squad with a new ambulance service to be run by the Town. We feel strongly that this plan is not in the best interest of the citizens of the Northshire, from both emergency services and cost perspectives.

At the upcoming meeting, representatives from the Northshire Rescue Squad (board and staff) will present a slideshow summarizing our position.  This will be followed by an open session where you can make your thoughts and feelings known.  Please come prepared to share your questions and concerns about the Town’s plan with your fellow citizens.  And if you’ve had direct experiences with the Rescue Squad, we’d like to hear about that too. We will also be inviting the Manchester Selectboard and Town Manager and will, of course, provide them an opportunity to speak as well.

We appreciate all the letters of support we’ve received over the past week on this issue.  We are adding your quotes to our website as they come in.  You can read what your neighbors are saying at here. And if you haven’t yet made your thoughts known to the Manchester Selectboard,you can email them via the Town Manager at - and please CC us at

We hope you can make the meeting in person or via Zoom.  But if not, a recording of the meeting will be available on our website shortly after the meeting.  Thank you for your support, and we hope to see you soon.


Northshire Rescue Squad
Board of Trustees

Susan Howard, President
Moira Spivey, Vice President
Jim Salsgiver, Treasurer
Linda O’Leary, Secretary
Bob Niles
Renee Bosquet
Shari Siegel

Northshire Rescue Squad...

... is not a municipal dept.

... serves the Northshire.

... is staffed by professionals.

... needs your support.