Ambulance Services

We provide basic life support to injured or ill persons - including the administration of medications such as epi-pens, performing CPR with the use of an AED, monitoring vital signs and securing persons suspected with spinal injuries on a long-back board for transport to an appropriate facility.
We are fully trained and equipped and to handle patients needing advanced life support, including:
• Cardiac monitoring
• IV drips
• Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) ventilators
• Advanced airway management
• Trauma care
• Stroke care
When patients need care in transportation between hospitals or between hospital and nursing facilities, we are ready and available to provide comfortable and efficient transportation.
If non-emergency transportation is deemed necessary by your doctor, our staff is ready to assist you.
Emergencies: dial 911
Squad office: (802) 362-1995
1 crew on duty 24/7
2nd crew on duty 9am to 6pm
Manchester Public Safety Bldg.
64 Jeff Williams Way
Manchester, VT 05255
East Dorset
Winhall (lower)
Mount Tabor
Average of almost 1,300 calls per year