Letters of Support

"I am writing to you to let you know how happy my family and I are with the Northshire Rescue Squad. They have helped us on numerous occasions dating back to 2006. They have always been prompt, courteous and most importantly helped/saved my family member in need. Most recently, they revived my brother-in-law when he had a hypoglycemic reaction and was unresponsive. His blood sugar was 31. As he stabilized and before they took him to SVMC, the EMS team educated me on how to handle a situation like this while we waited for professional help. I cannot stress how grateful I am for them."
"Thank you all for your dedication and professional service to our communities. The NRS has come to my aid, and to my wife’s aid when we needed medical help! Stand tall - we the residents of Manchester, Dorset, Danby, Mt. Tabor and Winhall support your outstanding service to all!"
"I’ve been a recipient of their services when I had a heart attack while skiing at Bromley. They were fast, efficient and very comforting in transporting me to Samaritan Hospital in Troy, NY. Per the surgeon, I was within five minutes from 'not making it'. Throughout the ride (with sirens and flashing lights!), I felt extremely confident in their training and ability as well as the caring attitude that put me at ease throughout the entire ordeal."
"I personally have had to have you called in for myself multiple times. I started fainting when I was in 4th grade (now 26 years old) and every single time I had an episode, you were there. In a timely fashion and also made sure I was comfortable and always trying to make me smile even at my worst times. You’ve helped me and many family and friends in bad situations or car accidents and always gave us your all. As someone who was raised in the area and also now married to a Danby-Mt Tabor firefighter, I can’t thank you all enough for everything you do. Your hard work often goes unnoticed however speaking for my entire family, we probably wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for you guys. There needs to be more people in the world like each and every one of you, especially in the world we currently live in."
"The Northshire Rescue Squad is invaluable to Equinox Village. I have witnessed innumerable times they have helped our residents, and I myself experienced their professional help with a trip to the Rutland Hospital. They were top notch in their care and response. PLEASE leave them in place, and keep the Town out of it!"
"I want to let you know that I am one extremely happy recipient of your outstanding service to the community. I am appalled at the negativity about the stellar and dedicated individuals who are out there saving lives, racing out at all hours of the day and night, in all kinds of weather, providing excellent care to the people of Manchester."
"This past July I went to try and wake my mother only to find her unresponsive. I called my husband and after we couldn't wake her, we called 911. They arrived at our house in about five minutes and immediately assessed her. They knew immediately that her blood sugars were too low and she was actually in a diabetic coma. Treatment was started immediately and when she started to rouse they were very reassuring and compassionate with her. They explained to her in a way she could comprehend why she should go to the hospital to get checked out. Thankfully we did because we found out she was in kidney failure and needed to be hospitalized."
"About five years ago our nearest and only neighbor became seriously ill. Jim lived alone and had no family or friends, so my wife and I organized 'Team Jim'. Near the end he had 24/7 nursing care, and one night he became extremely agitated. The two nurses attending him needed to call NRS to transport him to the hospital, where he died the following day. NRS appeared quickly and I watched how they dealt with a surprisingly combative patient. They did so with impressive calmness, professionalism and understanding."
"In September, 2018, I had a severe motor scooter accident that ultimately required a helicopter transport to Albany Med. I recall absolutely nothing of the actions of NRS since I was unconscious throughout. Three weeks later I was home and driving. The first trip I took was to the NRS to thank them and tell them that 'they did everything right.' I often wonder what might have happened to me had I not received the kind of care they provided."
"I can unequivocally express our satisfaction with NRS's service. Unfortunately, we have required help from the rescue squad on several occasions while living in Dorset and now in Manchester. Their responses have been timely and their service polite and professional."
"The rescue squad gave my husband excellent care during his illness. They always came to our rescue immediately and, not only were they very professional but very kind and considerate. Many thanks."
"I am in healthcare and have often considered volunteering or working at the rescue squad. They currently provide an invaluable resource and safety net for our entire community. Their service is outstanding (as evidenced by a trip to my neighbor's house a year ago). The EMTs were knowledgeable, prompt, respectful and professional. Their subscription program is paid, in full, each year by our family. That will continue if the squad continues under current leadership and current plans."
"We have had the most professional and prompt service from NRS. My husband was transported a few times before he was eventually in the veterans home . A few times an EMT transporting him found out he was a 30 year Navy man now suffering from agent orange. Instantly the respect and calming voice saying 'captain, we won’t let you fall, we’ll take care of you now.' They are wonderful and it warmed my heart to see that kind of respect!"
"I want to say that the Northshire Rescue was fast to get to my home when they were needed a few years ago. They arrived quickly got my husband to the hospital , were knowledgeable in caring for him along the way and were able to determine it was not a dire emergency. The first gentleman let me ride in the ambulance and did his very best to calm me down, while the second gentleman cared for my husband."
"Northshire Rescue has always in my book provided excellent care in a timely manner. Even when I was sitting beside the road in Danby with a child in full seizure and not breathing, they were there in 8 minutes, which in case you didn't know takes at least 15 minutes to drive to Danby at the speed limit. Did they come in with lights and siren, YES but did cut the lights and siren so as not to create more of an issue. Could they have gotten there sooner, doubtful unless they were already in Danby. Do I think there is room for improvement? Yes! Do I think that Manchester should start its own squad? NO absolutely not."
"Here in Dorset, we feel most fortunate to have your team and service readily available and always going out your way to do more. Thank you."
"Thank you Northshire Rescue Squad, members and board members for their outstanding, service to all of the communities. Manchester should not create a new rescue squad, as you all represent excellence, in our communities."
"We have always found the squad to show the utmost quality of service, knowledge and compassion. Keep up the great work and service which you all provide to the communities."
"If it wasn’t for your rescue team I would not be alive today you guys are the best keep doing what you doing."
"You are THE best. You guys are fabulous. You remain such a high caliber and such excellence in expertise. But most of all in kindness."
"Time for everyone who hasn’t yet (myself included) to get their monetary support out to our wonderful, caring, tirelessly working, Northshire Rescue Squad! Mucho thanks for always being there for our community."
"Keep up on the great work and your service to the communities."
"EMS works hard for others. Northshire is no exception."
"Forever grateful for Northshire Rescue, always being there to help when myself or my family have been in need! You are great!"
"Thank you for your excellent service."
"We haven’t had to call often, but when we do they are always prompt, professional and caring! Thank you!"
"The Northshire Rescue has always been prompt when I have called for my family. I never had problem with them at all. Thank you for all your hard work EMTS"